Microsoft Will Finally Let You Choose When to Install

By default, Windows Update in Windows 10 will automatically download and install updates, except on metered connections where extra charges may apply. In that case, Windows Update will automatically download only those updates requited to keep Windows running smoothly. Jul 11, 2018 · Windows 10 is a big, complicated OS that is constantly being tweaked. While some updates are small and you might not even notice them installing, others are massive and take a good chunk of time Nov 17, 2014 · Once again there are urgent security patches released for Windows, and this time the problems they fix are “potentially catastrophic” issues with the encryption stack. This is why you should have Windows install updates automatically. It’s possible you leap into action every time you see the security notification, but many people don’t. Confused about how updates work in Windows 10? Join the club. Over the years, Microsoft has transformed what was once a straightforward procedure into an ever-changing, often complicated process

Everytime I turn it on in the morning, windows updates available pop up in bottom right hand corner. I've always had a company computer, so I never had to update mine, or download stuff. Could someone let me know if I need to or should install the following updates.

Jul 14, 2020 Should I Install Optional Updates? | Your Business

Jul 23, 2020

Jun 01, 2019 Update Windows 10 - Jul 08, 2020 Windows 10: A guide to the updates | Computerworld Jul 14, 2020 Should I Install Optional Updates? | Your Business Should I Install Optional Updates?. Windows updates help keep your business's computers safe from known Windows and Microsoft software vulnerabilities. They also address system bugs. While Microsoft recommends installing most updates, optional updates are not essential. If …