2013-10-11 · Facebook is making it harder to hide by removing a feature that prevents your profile from appearing on searches. Here we look at how else you can maintain your privacy.

Aug 16, 2018 · How to Hide Facebook Profile from Public. Do the steps below to hide Facebook profile from public: Go to privacy tabs of settings on Facebook. “Who can see your future posts?” should be “only me” or “friends”. On “Limit The Audience for Old Posts on Your Timeline” tab, click on “Limit Past Posts” button. Sep 28, 2010 · How to hide my name in Facebooklets say that I am fnd of Mr. X and Mr. X is friend of Mrs. Y..now Mrs Y is not frnd of me but she can see my name in Mr. X frnds List (although cant see anything of me bcause i hide everthning)But is there any possible way to hide my name frnd list of Mr X but I remain frnd of him but Mrs Y cant know me if I am frnd of Mr X?? Jul 15, 2013 · How can I hide my profile from being searched on facebook? I mean so that if you or a random user types my name into the facebook search bar my profile doesn't show up, how do I do that? I had it working before but recently I was messing around with some settings and now I've totally messed it up. Is there any way to hide my device name from website e.g. whenever I login Facebook it is able to determine the type of browser 'chrome on Android' and also device name. Is there any way to hide this

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Facebook Privacy Basics When something is public, that means anyone can see it, even people you aren’t friends with, on or off Facebook. Jeff Walker It’s easy to learn what people can see on your profile, or change who can see specific info you previously shared. How do I change my name in e-Profile? | National

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Jun 13, 2018 · Using these privacy tools, you can be completely invisible on Facebook, depending on how you configured your profile. There is a way to temporarily hide your profile on Facebook, to be invisible, but to continue to be present on this social network. This guide will show you how to hide your profile on Facebook. Feb 26, 2017 · Facebook allows the residents of some limited countries to create a profile with first name alone, one such country being the Indonesia. Residents of Indonesia do not have to fill out their last name in their profiles, because most of the people of Indonesia don’t actually have a last name.