Opendns – Wikipedia AS36692 Cisco OpenDNS, LLC. Summary Whois Details IP Addresses Details. - OPENDNS-V6-NET-1. ID OPENDNS-V6-NET-1 Description Cisco OpenDNS, LLC ASN AS36692 Cisco OpenDNS, LLC Country United States. Registry arin Whois Details OpenDNS provides added safety for free - CNET OpenDNS is a free online service that offers an extra layer of safety on the Internet. Technically, the service is DNS resolution, which I'll explain below. Whois IP Whois IP Lookup for

How to Use OpenDNS on Your Router, PC, Tablet, or Smartphone

Jun 23, 2010 How to Set Up Whole-House Parental Controls with OpenDNS The Simple Option: OpenDNS Family Shield. If you mostly want to block porn, OpenDNS Family Shield has you covered. This pre-configured service blocks adult sites, and is as easy to configure as switching DNS addresses. Here are the addresses you need to use:; OpenDNS Umbrella is now Cisco Umbrella | Cisco Umbrella

A free DNS resolver by OpenDNS (

OpenDNS is happy to announce support for DNSSEC validation in our DNS resolvers. With this release, the OpenDNS resolvers will act as fully RFC compliant security aware resolvers by performing DNSSEC validation on queries to authoritative nameservers for signed zones.. The full scope of our support for DNSSEC can be found here: To use FamilyShield, you should set your DNS server entries as: and On our website, you may notice that OpenDNS' DNS servers are and, but these do not apply to FamilyShield customers.